Sunrise Union County, Sunrise Montclair, Extinction Rebellion NJ, Workers’ Assembly Against Racism, and the Green Party of NJ hosted an Earth Day march in Montclair to tell Chase Bank and TD Bank to defund Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement pipeline. Projected to carry 750,000 barrels of tar sands oil per day from Alberta to Wisconsin, Line 3 would transport the CO2 equivalent of 16-18 million cars and $287 billion in climate change-related damage. The pipeline is being constructed through wetland wild rice beds, which are an important source of food for the Anishinaabe First Nations and biodiverse wildlife habitat. It threatens 800 such wetlands and 200 waterways, and it violates the treaty rights of the Red Lake Nation, White Earth Band of Ojibwe, and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe.
Join us in calling for banks and institutions to divest from harmful fossil fuel projects and invest in a just transition to a clean, green, renewable energy economy and in community climate resilience and environmental justice!